How doing less actually gives you so much more!

In today's world, it’s so easy to get caught up in the “do more” mentality. Women are being asked to do the impossible and it’s just not sustainable, which is why it’s even more important to slow down, hone in, and “do less”. We know what you’re the heck can I possibly do less when everyone is relying on me to do all the things? And we totally get it. It’s actually incredible what women are capable of doing. This magical power women have to “do it all” spans cultures & generations. However; we’re missing one key ingredient in...
How Our Babes Feel Our Love Most!

A few ways that our babes feel our love most. Raising well-rounded and emotionally intelligent kiddos takes work - there is no doubt about that - but if you ask the experts, the benefits far outweigh the work. The care we give on the day to day may seem somewhat insignificant and draining or even repetitive in the moment, but the truth is, it can significantly impact our babes for the long haul. Through our simple presence, we get to bond. Through our touch, we get to create security and safety. Through navigating and working through emotions, we get...
Don't Burn Out...Burn Bright Momma!

On January 1st you probably woke up with this new, refreshed desire to set goals, tackle projects you have been putting off, and dig deep into self-growth (or maybe you woke up hungover...we’re here for both!) With the start of a new year, goal setting can certainly be top of mind and while we are all for the “go get em” mindset, we also understand the importance of taking inventory of our goals vs our mindset. Are we just jotting down words without a ton of thought around the why and the how of it all? Or are we caring for ourselves...
The Season of Giving + our favs under $40!

Your MK&Co. guide to the best gifts for all the tiny humans on your list this year! Maybe you’re a momma shopping for your very own soon to be perfect, squishy newborn. Maybe you’re a neighbor, a grandma, a bestie or auntie, just looking for the perfect gift. Heck, you might even be both, a momma who knows how valuable cozy comfort is for kiddos and you need the perfect gift to give. We’ve rounded up our favorite gifts for newborns, babies and toddlers to make your holiday shopping so much easier! Here’s the best part, you do not have to...
86,400 Seconds

“There is no lack of things to be grateful for if you remember to pay attention.” – Jen Sincero November is national gratitude month, which kind of makes sense. Is there another month that kicks off such feelings of wanting to serve others, finding space for forgiveness, giving grace, lending a helping hand, whatever it may be. It may sound odd but November is always the month that brings forth so many of these feelings for us. Maybe it's the delicious food & drink, family, cozy weather, sweaters, we don’t know for sure what brings out these warm fuzzies, but the...